Coming Up – Val DiFebo CEO of Deutsch NY on The Buzzbubble

May 2, 2010

Coming up on The Buzzbubble: Our next show is dedicated to Powerful Women in Advertising. Val DiFebo CEO of Deutsch Advertising NY, A Lowe & Partners Company joins host Kevin Kelly as Val and Kevin discuss Val’s early days with Mary Well’s at Well Rich Greene, and review everything there is to know about the Deutsch culture, and how there truly are no walls dividing teams and departments and ideas. We get deep into how analytics can change a campaign over time, and how this change flows from brilliant data analysis geeks out to the streets.    We talk about IKEA’s Obama guerilla grass roots campaign, Kodak, Michael J Fox and much more, including a personal tour of the Deutsch NY offices from Val. Stay Tunes as we roll out this great show shortly.

Donny Deutsch Val DiFebo and Kevin Kelly

Donny Deutsch, Val DiFebo and Kevin Kelly at Deutsch NY Agency office

Kevin Kelly and Val DiFebo after taping The BuzzBubble at Deutsch NY

Val and Kevin at Deutsch NY after taping The BuzzBubble


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